A workshop in response to the Nakabandi …
The nakabandi got many of us taking out our old forgotten cycles of the storage and into the road. Some of us even purchased brand new cycles to get to work and back. Cycles both old and new need to be properly taken care of, repaired and maintained.
Therefore, for those who were rediscovering the joys of cycling during and after the Nakabandi, #MakerKT, in partnership with Sahasi Ketaketi and Cycle City Nepal Network and supported by Karkhana, offered two two-day comprehensive Cycle Care Workshops. These hands-on workshop included information about the various aspects of taking care of your cycle, repairing and maintaining it as well as things to consider before getting on your cycle and while riding on the road.
The first workshop was on December 19-20 and for ketis only. A second round of workshop was scheduled on December 26-27 and was open to all.
Below are some photos from the two workshops:
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